Tennis Scoring Web

In order to view a tennis match live online, activate the "Share Tennis Match Online" switch. You can also add a tennis match to an tournament by selecting the switch below, this will create a new tournament if you haven't already created one.

These features require a stable internet connection. (3G should be fine).

First Method - During The Match

After starting the match go to the menu on the top-left. Then select "Get Web Sharing Link", you will then be able to share a link using any of your messenger apps.

CAUTION: Some devices may experience trouble continuing matches after leaving the app. If you are experiencing this issue please use another method to share the link to your match.

Second Method - Tournament *Recommended

This tutorial is assuming that you haven't created a tennis tournament yet, so we will be doing this first. Select "Settings" in the top right menu.

Notice: If you are not signed in, please sign in with a Tennis Scoring Account. You can do this by selecting Sign In (in this case we are already signed in). If you don't have an Tennis Scoring Account, you will now be able to create one for free.

In the settings menu select "General".

Then select the "Tournament ID" setting. Notice that under the title the current tournament ID is displayed. In this case it is still the default option that generates a random ID. After changing the ID this field should update as well.

This will require a free Tennis Scoring Account. If you haven't signed in or created an account please do so.

Please choose a tournament ID now. A tournament ID can be anything you like. For example: my_tennis_club or theGreatTennisTournament.

After you have entered a new tournament ID please verify that it is showing up below "Tournament ID" in the settings menu.

After restarting the app you should see a Tournament Overview card in your start menu. Press "SHARE" to share the link to your tennis tournament. Your fans will be able to see a list of all tennis matches you add to this tournament and their detailed statistics. Remember to select the "Add to Tournament" option when creating a match.

A few small tips:

  • delete a tennis match from a tournament by long clicking it
  • press ↻ to refresh
  • RESET deletes all tennis matches in a tournament

Thank you for using this app, I hope you have a lot of fun with it! And enjoy your next tennis match!

Enter a Tournament code online

If you don't want to share a link this is the best option for you! Simply let your fans enter the tournament ID you chose under